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Some interesting facts about us

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Do you want to cooperate with us?

If you are interested in working with us, or have an idea about our work, or have a question about Resko and how it works, you can contact us.

Your possible questions

We have answered the questions you may have about us in this box

Resko is a blockchain investment tool for startups, companies and real estate and helps startups attract capital.

The security of your assets and information is provided by blockchain and guaranteed by Resko.

You don't need any special knowledge to use Resco platforms, but it's good to have some knowledge

What do we think?

We introduced Resko to build a better future and try to make the world a better place with the help of blockchain.

Amirhossein Jaryani Founder & CEO of RESKO

©2024. RESKO AJ. All Rights Reserved.